Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Power of Three

The number three has always been my favorite. And over the years, I have won things and been inspired by...the numbers 3, 13, and 33. It's been a talisman for addresses and hotel rooms, magically appearing over and over in my life. Three has been a powerful number through history and in scriptures and I respect both. So the other day, when my friend, Lyn, mentioned that she had a list of three things to do that day, my ears just perked up.

I decided I would set just three main household tasks for myself each day and see how it went. I've had this problem of having a HUGE long list one day... and then being so overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to complete all those things... that the next day, I'd do almost nothing! Well, three, being my mojo number... IS WORKING! Laundry, cupboards, drawers... I can handle three of anything with energy to complete more! Try it! (And let me know how it works for you.) Maybe three will soon be your favorite number, too!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea ! We should all be able to do at least 3 things a day. Thanks for the tip.


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