Sunday, August 29, 2010

Got a Closet?

One of my fun things to do is to really sort through a closet, storage box, or drawer. There is just something so SATISFYING about the process of healthy purging! If this is totally distressing to you...start small, with a drawer. Get some boxes, bins or big sacks and GO TO IT! Sort into keep, toss, donate, and sell and ask yourself these helpful questions:

Do I love it?

Do I wear it? /Do I use it?

Does it fit?

Is it still in fashion?

Does it go with anything else I own?

Does it make me feel good?

Now move on to part two:

Can somebody else make use of it? Can I sell it?

Can I donate it to a worthy cause?

If I didn't have it already, would I want to buy it?

Is it too small? Too large? Needing repair?

Why am I keeping this?

It's suprising, but it feels good to send something packing. When something's hard to get rid of, maybe it's an investment or sentimental object or it's you wanting to be a different size or a different age or in a different life, but the minute you decide to toss it, you can feel the weight lift off your shoulders. So friends, open the drawer, get tossing and make room for all the good stuff coming your way!


  1. I have to purge twice a year based on the weather. I put the cool weather clothes away and out comes the warm weather clothes but then I remember I am tired of wearing that shirt so it goes into the thrift store bag. Now I save some of the clothing fabric for projects. Sometimes I have difficulty letting a print or fabric go more than the item. We still have 90 degree weather here so I am not ready to purge yet...

  2. I am SO SO SO SO SO Glad you started a blog. I always feel fresh and rejuvenated after spending time with you...and now I get to have you in my living room any're just a click away! Thanks for starting this! Love you!

  3. Thanks Sister Campbell! I've wanted to go through some bins of mine and get rid of old stuff, but have been putting it off. I think this will help me do it!

    Brandice McGee


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