Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Empty Nest (sort of)

It's that time again --- there's a hint of coolness in the air, the kids were all gathered at the bus stop at the corner, and suddenly, my house is quiet. It's odd how fast it happened. And this year, the boys are all beyond my help with homework and I only had ONE medical form to fill out! Halleluhah!! All those years ranting about the need for schools to update their system for first of the year forms and now I don't have any! Instead I have plenty of time on my hands to use wisely. So I'm thinking...what will I do first? I have LOTS of ideas. I will begin with a list. Starting with all those things I thought I would get accomplished over the summer! Wish me luck! Cleaning, painting, cleaning, gardening, cleaning, cooking, cleaning.....etc....

What are YOU doing this season? Join me in cleaning and re-feathering the nest! It's time!


  1. Hi cute Shar...This season I'm trying to be available. For my hubs, my kiddos and their little ones, my calling and for me...

    Sometimes I get so involved I forget to allow myself a little time to learn something new.

    I'm going to learn how to "can" (spaghetti sauce and juices) some books that I've been wanting to read, catch up with old friends and learn something new about taking great pictures...

    There is always cleaning to do!!

    love ya

  2. Way to go, Sue! I already know you're EXCELLENT at feathering!


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